What is Universe, How it is formed


The Universe is a large space that contains everything i.e. all matters and energy, from the smallest particles to the largest particles, whatever in the space is universe. It contains all the planets, stars, asteroids, meteors and all the galaxies. No one knows the size of the Universe. The astronomers believe that the universe is still growing outwards in every direction. Astronomers continue to investigate about it. One way they do this is by “using a spectroscope”. A spectroscope measures the color of light coming from an object. Changes in the color indicate whether an object is moving away from or towards the Earth. After the readings of spectroscope scientists believe that the universe is still growing outwards in every direction.

How Universe formed

According to the astronomers first everything was an incredibly solid, heavy ball of a matter. This heavy ball exploded billion of years ago and as a result the Universe was formed. The moment of the explosion of this ball is known as “Big-Bang”. After this explosion the early universe was very small and too hot but later it got cooled and it exploded and spread out into the small pieces. Small pieces formed the basic elements called hydrogen and helium. Then the pieces join together which results object formed. Over billion of years the object becomes Galaxies, Stars and Planets. How the universe was formed is still only an idea.

Filed under: Universe

5 Responses to “What is Universe, How it is formed”

  1. Yody Says:

    hmm….. I like Vector…..!!

  2. Akbar Says:

    It is very irony to say that the universe was an incredibly solid, heavy ball of a matter. This heavy ball exploded billion of years ago and as a result the Universe was formed. The moment of the explosion of this ball is known as “Big-Bang”. After this explosion the early universe was very small and too hot but later it got cooled and it exploded and spread out into the small pieces. Small pieces formed the basic elements called hydrogen and helium. Then the pieces join together which results object formed. Over billion of years the object becomes Galaxies, Stars and Planets.

    Just consider it …the sun is so hot why its not exploding…similarly there is many other things …

  3. sidney Says:

    As a science scholar, we go and try to find out who we are , where we come from, and yet basic principle of life is out of our comprehension and yet we want to convince the world to believe that we have some kind of understanding, of which i think we are not. example what cern want to achieve in the big bang theory is like asking Bill Gates who is going to be the next president of the khoisan in the kalahari desert .the point i am trying to make here is , we need to know the fundermental principle of life of which we do not, and i would like to live you with this anology. to my understanding the difinition of life is simple,what it means is life is nothing but meaning less. please reply

  4. en1ges Says:

    well how can y’all be sure this is how the universe started, how do y’all know that just because everything is spreading farther apart it’s because the so called BIG BANG did it, and how do y’all know this happened over BILLIONS of years. PLUS, with whatever methods y’all use to supposedly prove those ideas i just stated above, how do y’all know your methods proves it?

    another thing, we might NEVER know the definition of life or what makes life what it is, there are just some things we just aren’t meant to know.

  5. swapnil Says:

    thats was be horror. If you got any type of more information about universe send it on my account



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