What is the origin of the Universe

Our Universe

The queries and arguments about the origin of the universe is just like the old question about the chicken and the egg. It is an issue that is and can always be debatable. Recently, scientists ceased the argument but acknowledge that even in the beginning of the universe, the Law of Science already existed.

Some people such as Aristotle, a Greek philosopher opposed the idea that the universe had a beginning and rather preferred to believe that the universe would exist and had existed something that is perpetual. The fact that the universe is changing with time is an evidence that was accumulated during the 19th century. Geologists recognized that the rocks and fossils have taken hundreds or thousands of millions of years to form, which was according to Creationists, far longer than the age of Earth. Conversely, Boltzmann, a German physicist who discovered the Second Law of Thermodynamics acclaimed that the universe increases with time as measured by entropy.

Most Atheist believed that the universe is eternal and they envisioned that the universe come into existence unexpectedly. This was precluded by Einstein’s theory of gravity and Hubble’s astronomical observations. Beyond reasonable doubt, it is understood that the universe originated in two legitimate options. It may be a intelligent design that someone made the universe or random chance in which the universe made itself.

From the beginning of times, man tried to crack the mystery that covers about the conception of the universe. Myths and legends have arisen just to testify the unrelenting search. Most physicists assumed that the universe is a static universe and had always existed. Because of the swift development of science and technology, the theory of the Big Bang came into view. This theory is based on the cosmological thermal radiation and physical events such as the universe expansion. The Big Bang began when Christian Doppler, a Dutch scientist discovered the Doppler effects which is a physical phenomenon. It further gives reason that everything has come from nothing. The breakthrough about the growth of the universe, completely alters the origin of the universe argument. During the time of the Big Bang, the density of the universe appears to be infinite which gives a shattering effect to all the known Laws of Science.

Many scientists however did not like the Big Bang theory and that is why they came out to the Alternative theory. This theory sustains that the gravitational force of the universe will be able to break the expansion which was assumed by the Big Bang theory. Alternative theory further explains that Big Bang does not jointly created.

Despite all the theories that had been proposed, generally the universe evolves according to the well defined laws that may have been ordained by God. But up to now it was thought that this divine law has nothing to do with the origin of the universe. It is God’s choice if He set the universe going in any way He wanted. After all, the universe would have no choice but to obey the laws that God bestows. Only God can answer the question how the universe began.

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