
How many moons does mars have?

Mars have two satellites, Phobos and Deimos. These moons are irregularly shaped and much smaller than the Earth’s Moon. They were possibly not captured in the same way the Earth’s Moon was. They are thought to be asteroids or rubbles from a collision, which were eventually captured by Mar’s gravitational draw.Since they are too small […]

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Who discovered Mars

No other planet has mystified humans more than Mars. Earthlings have not set foot on it yet but stories about it have been told, published, and even inspired movies. It was named after the Roman god of war ‘Ares’, probably years after it was first sighted by a human eye. Who did and when it […]

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What is a Black Hole

A black hole is an invisible object or a region of space in the universe that has such a strong gravitational force that nothing can escape it. Many astronomers believe that there are millions of black holes in the universe. They are invisible because of the fact that they trap anything, even the fastest thing […]

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How many rings does Neptune have?

Neptune possesses a set of five rings. William Lassell was the first to have thought of it but the idea was not further explored. The first official detection was made in 1983 during a stellar occultation from Earth. Exploration was then initiated by Voyager 2 in 1989 and images made by the explorers confirmed the […]

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Why is Planet Mars red?

Mars was named after the ancient Roman god of war ‘Ares’ (AIR eez) and it is believed that Romans and Greeks came up with the name because of the planet’s apparent color, which is ‘red’. It is the fourth planet from the sun and one of Earth’s an-orbit-away neighbors. Among the planets, it’s been the […]

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How are Uranus and Neptune alike and different?

In many ways, Neptune (the 8th planet) and Uranus (the7th planet) are considered twins. They are nearly identical in size and structure. Neptune is 17times the mass of earth while Uranus is about 15. While at first glance, Neptune and Uranus appear to be smaller versions of Saturn and Uranus, they are poles apart from […]

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How many moons does Neptune have?

Neptune is known to possess thirteen moons. The planet has the greatest “hill sphere” or gravitational sphere of influence among all the other planets in the solar system. It is most likely because of its immense distance from the sun. The moons of Neptune had been the object of controversies due to their strangely uneven […]

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How did Neptune get its name?

Neptune, the eighth planet from the Sun, was named after ‘Neptune’, the Roman god of the sea. The official name did not come from Romans or people from the ancient times since Neptune was discovered during the modern times, several decades after Uranus’ discovery. It was included in Galileo’s drawings which he made when he […]

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How many moons does Jupiter have?

Jupiter’s or Jovian moons are as interesting as the planet they orbit on. Officially, 49 moons have been named. Other anonymous asteroid-like satellites have been discovered alongside giving it a total of 63. It is not surprising for Jupiter to have this number of satellites since it is just natural for an extremely massive planet […]

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Planet Venus

Named after the Roman goddess of Love, Venus is the 2nd closest planet to the Sun and orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. It is also the only planet in the Solar System to be named after a female figure. Venus is also the brightest natural object in the night sky other than the Moon. […]

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