Formation of a Star


A Star can be defined as a massive and luminous ball made of Plasma. Basically, a star is formed out of cloud of cool, dense molecular gas. To become a potential star, the clouds need to collapse and increase in density.

Formation of stars can be of two ways: it can either collide with another dense molecular cloud or it can be near enough to encounter the pressure caused by a giant supernova. Several stars can be born at once with the collision of two galaxies. In both cases, heat is needed to fuel this reaction, which comes from the mutual gravity pulling all the material inward.

We can also say that a star is born from Dust and Gas that are in the same vicinity. Gravity pulls in the dust and gas until they are all together. The gravity turn up the heat due to all the close dust and gas. Then it heats up to 18 million degrees F. The Hydrogen turns to Helium and the star is born.

Filed under: Stars, Universe

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